Origin of our Theme Song
Tradition has it that there was a group of cursillistas (guests of the original Cursillo movement upon which the Great Banquet is based) in Spain riding home on a bus, singing and rejoicing, when the weather turned....a frightening storm with lightning and thunder had them huddling together in the bus on the side of the road, and even halted their singing. But when the storm was over, the clouds parted and the sun peeked through. As the tension lessened, one cursillista looked out the window at the farm they had parked in front of; and there saw a rooster, resplendent in color in the sparkling aftermath of the storm. Singing and shouting "De Colores!" the cursillistas began to rejoice again, singing this familiar folk song, praising God and rejoicing in the shining colors of the newly washed countryside and a little rooster.
Below are just a few of the 90 or so verses.
Thanks to the Tulsa Dioces Cursillo website for the transcription
Spanish Lyrics:
DeColores, decolores se visten los campos en la primavera.
DeColores, decolores son los pajarillos que vienen de afuera.
DeColores, decolores es el arco iris que vemos lucir.
I por eso los grandes amores de muchos colores me gustan a mi.
I por eso los grandes amores de muchos colores me gustan a mi.
DeColores, decolores brillantes y finos se viste la aura.
DeColores, decolores son los nil reflejos que el sol atesora.
DeColores, decolores se veste eo dimante que vemos lucir.
I por eso los grandes amores de muchos colores me gustan a mi.
I por eso los grandes amores de muchos colores me gustan a mi.
Canta el gallo, cant el gallo con el quiri, quiri, quiri, quiri, quiri.
La gallina, la gallina con el cara, cara, cara, cara, cara.
Los polluellos, los polluelos con el pio, pio, pio, pio, pi.
I por eso los grandes amores de muchos colores me gustan a mi.
I por eso los grandes amores de muchos colores me gustan a mi.
English Lyrics:
(Our Version - Verses 3 and 4 are not part of the Spanish translation above. - We also play it MUCH faster...)
DeColores, decolores the fields love to dress in all during the springtime.
DeColores, decolores the birds have their clothing that comes every season.
DeColores, decolores the rainbow is vested across the blue sky.
DeColores, and so must all love be of every bright color to make my heart cry.
DeColores, and so must all love be of every bright color to make my heart cry.
DeColores, decolores we witness the sun up on clear and bright mornings.
DeColores, decolores the sun gives its treasures, God’s light to His children.
DeColores, decolores the diamond will sparkle when brought to the light.
DeColores, and so must all love be of every bright color to make my heart cry.
DeColores, and so must all love be of every bright color to make my heart cry.
Joyfully, joyfully we will live in God's friendship because He has willed it.
Faithfully, faithfully we will slake the great thirsting of Christ the Immortal.
Joyfully, joyfully we will bring to our savior a harvest of souls.
Pouring outward the light from within the grace of our god his infinite life.
Pouring outward the light from within the grace of our god his infinite life.
Missionaries, missionaries of Christ with His courage determine to conquer.
Cursillistas, cursillistas who don’t pay attention to human opinion.
Let the cowards, let the cowards deride us and taunt us because it’s the truth,
That they really desire the pleasure of being in grace in colors with us.
That they really desire the pleasure of being in grace in colors with us.
Sings the rooster, sings the rooster with his quiri, quiri, quiri, quiri, quiri.
And the cluck hen, and the cluck hen with her cara, cara, cara, cara, cara.
And the babe chicks, and the babe chicks with their pio, pio, pio, pio, pie. (Why pie? - Because it rhymes - that way!)
DeColores, and so must all love be of every bright color to make my heart cry.
DeColores, and so must all love be of every bright color to make my heart cry.
And when you don’t know the words…
(thanks to the INKY Via De Christo website for the following version)
Sing the chorus, sing the chorus because no one can really remember the verses,
Sing the chorus, sing the chorus cause what rhymes in Spanish does not rhyme in English.
Sing the chorus, sing the chorus because all the words never really seem to fit.
Sing the chorus and clap your hands loudly and no-one will notice you don’t know the words.
Sing the chorus and clap your hands loudly and no-one will notice you don’t know the words.