Of course the most important need of this, and any community is the need for constant prayer. Please remember to pray for continuing support for God’s Great Banquet and Awakening, for the team members, and especially for guests.
If you would like to participate in Indy West Great Banquet and Awakening activities, or serve on a team please let us know by completing the Volunteer Form on the Forms page.
Look for community emails and announcements for some of the current and ongoing needs of the Indy West Great Banquet and Awakening Community. We count on the continuing support of our community members to keep the movement alive and well!
Where certain specifications are required, be sure to speak with the contact BEFORE purchasing items.
Monetary Donations
To ensure that all who wish to attend are not restricted by expense, the registration cost for a Great Banquet attendee is just $10. However the cost for hosting a Great Banquet weekend is closer to $120 per attendee and $75 for Awakening Weekend. (including team members). So the community always appreciates your monetary donations and encourages those who can to pay if forward.
Donations can be given or sent to any contact at the bottom of the Home page of this web site, or directly to the church office. Make checks payable to: Connection Pointe Christian Church, and Include CLEAR INDICATION on the check, that the donation is meant for the Indy West Great Banquet or Indy West Awakening.
Monetary donations will be used for: food, general operating expenses, food, community agape, food, repair & maintenance, food, web hosting, snacks, other general supplies, and oh yeah - FOOD.